
A Permanent Voice / Resources

National Hotline Numbers

National Child Abuse Hotline (Childhelp) 800.422.4453
National Domestic Violence Hotline 800.799.7233
National Runaway Switchboard 800.621.4000
National Sexual Assault 800.656.4673
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800.273.8255
Veterans Crisis Hotline 800.273.8255
National Human Trafficking Resource Line 888.373.7888
Job Corp Helpline 800.733.5627
National Substance Abuse and Mental Health Hotline 800.662.4357
National Drug Helpline 888.633.3239
In Case of EMERGENCY 911
Teen Pregnancy Hotline 800.672.2296

Legal Representation

Assistance In The Legal Process

A Permanent Voice has a wide network of professional referrals to help those in need with legal assistance, mental health, health & wellness support, and much more, including:

  • Attorney Referrals
  • Legal Document Preparation
  • Juvenile Court Aides

Mental Wellness

Psychosocial, Grief & Bereavement Care Services

A Permanent Voice understands the mental and emotional challenges many of those we serve struggle with. Finding just the right counselor, therapist, or life coach is vital, and it’s why we’re glad to refer others to local professionals to help with the following:

  • Daily Life Stresses
  • Couples Therapy
  • Family Conflicts
  • Legal Situations: Court Required Anger Management, Domestic Violence, DUI services, Parenting Skills Training, Supervised Visitation, Court Ordered Counseling for any/all family individuals
  • Outpatient Counseling
  • Intensive Outpatient Therapy for addiction and general mental health

Dana also shares her life experience as well as academic knowledge to support those who have been separated from their children and to provide Grief and Bereavement Care Sessions.

Sessions include:

  • Understanding Grief & Bereavement
  • Dealing With Emotions & Feelings
  • Coping Strategies
  • Acceptance

Health & Wellness

Positive Lifestyle

A Permanent Voice understands the importance of Health & Wellness and are proud to refer those we serve with professionals who work with individuals at all fitness levels and backgrounds to improve their overall well-being.

The University of Arizona’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), is a free program that helps individuals gain knowledge, skills, new attitudes, and changed behaviors necessary to choose healthy diets and improve their overall well-being.

The class is taught by Janel Rogers, Instructional Specialist, who is certified in Family Consumer Health Sciences, and enjoys sharing her expertise with the community by preparing families to make informed decisions about their current life styles, and helping with their journeys towards reaching a higher quality of life.